Books about Bread

For the home baker and the bread baking industry - Hundreds of Bread Books! Enjoy!
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Bread Books

Bread Books

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Hubbard, R. (1910). The evolution of bread, London.

Hughes, P. (2000). Making soft-bodied dough characters. Lewes, Guild of Master Craftsman.

Hume, R., M. Downes, et al. (1973). Baking, bread and cakes: breads, cakes and biscuits. London, Sphere.

Hunt Edward Thomas, E. (1916). War Bread: a personal narrative of the war and relief in Belgium. With illustrations. New York, H. Holt & Co.

Hunt, E. E. and B. Commission for Relief in (1916). War bread: a personal narrative of the war and relief in Belgium. New York, Holt.

Hurst, A. H. (1930). Bread of Britain.

Hurst, B. (1981). The perfect bread: [a selection of recipes]. Reading, Berks, Elvendon Press.

Hurst, B. (1985). The perfect bread. Twickenham, Hamlyn.

Hutchinson, J. B. and F.-M. Research Association of British (1936). The staling and keeping quality of bread, [S.l.

Hutchinson, J. B. S. and E. N. Greer (1946). Production of flour and bread in Germany, London.

Hyatt Susan, B., D. D. Caulkins, et al. (1992). 'Putting bread on the table': the women's work of community activism, University of Bradford, Work & Gender Research Unit.

Institut de Recherches Technologiques Agro-Alimentaires des, C. (1992). 9th International cereal and bread congress: Abstracts, [np].

International Bread Wheat Screening, N., C. International Maize and Wheat Improvement, et al. (1975). Summaries of the fourth A and B, and fifth International Bread Wheat Screening Nurseries (IBWYN), 1970-1972. Londres, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center.

International Bread Wheat Screening, N., C. International Maize and Wheat Improvement, et al. (1976). Results of the sixth, seventh and eighth International Bread Wheat Screening Nurseries (IBWYN), 1973-1975. Mexico, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center.

International Bread, C. (1955). International Bread Congress.

Ireland (1950). Flour and Bread Inquiry. Interim and Final Report, Dublin.

Ireland. Health Promotion, U. (1995). Eat more bread cereals & potatoes. Dublin, The Unit.

Ireland. Health Promotion, U. (1995). Eat more for less, with bread, cereals & potatoes. Dublin, Health Promotion Unit.

Irons, J. R. (1933). The manufacture of bread. Being the report of a lecture. to the National Association Conference at Hastings, June, 1933, [S.l.

Isle of, M. (1880). The Bread, Flour and Corn Act, 1880, Douglas.

Jackson, E. A. and C. University of (1984). The genetics and biochemistry of the low molecular weight subunits of glutenin in relation to bread-making quality, University of Cambridge.

Jacob Heinrich, E. (1956). [Six Thousand Years of Bread.] Sechstausend Jahre Brot, etc. (Nach dem amerikanischen Original vom Verfasser übersetzte und eingerichtete deutsche Ausgabe.), Hamburg.

Jacob, H. E. (1946). Bread in the ancient world.

Jacobs, P. (1982). Bread wholesome bread: a collection of nutritious bread recipes using mixed grain flours. Wendover [Bucks.], Pica Press.

Jago William, C. (1921). The Technology of Bread-making, etc. (New edition.). Liverpool; printed in U.S.A., Northern Publishing Co.

Jago, W. (1886). The chemistry of wheat, flour and bread and technology of breadmaking. Brighton, William Jago.

Jago, W. (1886). The Chemistry of Wheat, Flour and Bread: technology of Breadmaking. Brighton, William Jago.

Jago, W. (1911). Technology of bread-making. [S.l.], [s.n.].

Jago, W. and C. Queen Elizabeth (1886). The chemistry of wheat, flour and bread: and the technology of bread making. Brighton, William Jago.

Jago, W. C. (1911). The technology of bread-making, etc, London.

Jago, W. C. (1911). The technology of bread-making: including the chemistry and analytical and practical testing of wheat, flour, and other materials employed in bread-making and confectionery. London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent.

Jaine, T. (1996). Building a wood-fired oven for bread and pizza. Totnes, Prospect.

Jerdan, C. (1915). Seed-Corn and Bread: sixty-one addresses to young people. Edinburgh & London, Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier.

Jerome, H. (1957). "Housewife" book of cakemaking: fillings, icings, biscuits, scones, yeast bread and rolls, teacakes, yeast buns and cakes, Hulton Press.

Jesse Fryniwyd Marsh, T. (1917). Secret Bread. London, William Heinemann.

Johansson, E. (1995). Wheat grain proteins: accumulation and composition in breeding for improved bread-making quality. Svalov, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Johnston, D. R. (1993). Bread and rice. Ann Arbor, Michigan, UMI.

Johnston, J. F. W. (1849). Meal bread, the best bread. On the use of whole-meal bread, with a word upon oatmeal. Extracted. from Blackwood's Magazine, for June, 1847, etc, London.

Johnston, P. (1849). Meal bread, the best bread. On the uses of the whole-meal bread, with a word upon oatmeal. London, Houlston & Stoneman.

Johnston, P. (1849). Meal bread, the best bread: on the use of whole-meal bread, with a word upon oatmeal. London, Houlston & Stoneman.

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Last Modified: 10 October 2005